Learn packet analysis with challenging Wireshark labs (+25 advanced PCAP case-studies) !

Packet Safari Features

Packet Safari feature overview


Subscriber limits

Unregistered users are limited to 1 Mb upload.

FeatureFree tierBasicMediumAdvanced
Total storage25 Mb200 Mb500 Mb1 Gb
Total files30501001000
Uploads per month3050100500
Downloads per month100050100500
Indexing per month3050100500
Custom profiles*510100
Max file size upload5 Mb5 Mb10 Mb30 Mb

* Free tier allows to upload 5Mb files, limits and throttling are performed on a per IP basis.

Basic functionality

FeatureFree tierBasicMediumAdvanced
Upload trace files until 1 Mb
Capture point visualization
Connection view
Connection state analysis
View analyses
Export objects

Subscriber functionality

FeatureFree tierBasicMediumAdvanced
Less rate limiting
Indexed search
Create analyses
IO Graph View
Custom column configuration
Custom coloring rules
Comment on trace files
Display filter history
Organize traces using tags
Share trace files with user roles
Custom indexers
Download trace file
Create user profile
Decode filters
Decode As
Follow stream
Edit trace files
Uploaded trace files are not public by default