Learn packet analysis with challenging Wireshark labs (+25 advanced PCAP case-studies) !

Gallery (past analyses by AI Shark)

Network Traffic Analysis for qskills-traffic.pcapng
An analysis of the captured network traffic revealing DHCP issues, repeated TCP SYN attempts, ARP requests, multicast listener reports, and potential network behavior and security concerns.
Wed Jul 24 2024
Server-side Issue Analysis for M01-Case-Study-1.pcapng
Analysis of the provided PCAP file reveals consistent RST packets from the server in response to client requests, indicating a possible server misconfiguration, firewall issue, or HTTP service problem.
Tue Jul 16 2024
Analysis of PCAP File: bruteforce.pcap
Identifies a brute-force attack on an FTP server, detailing the source IP's systematic login attempts and providing actionable recommendations for mitigation.
Fri Jun 07 2024
SMB Protocol Analysis for Network Share Access
This analysis delves into authentication attempts, resource access, error responses, and threat indications from SMB protocol activities in a pcap file.
Tue Mar 12 2024
Analysis of Server Connection Reset in unitedb.pcap
Packet capture analysis reveals consistent server resets after SSL/TLS handshake initiation, indicating potential issues at the server's end.
Tue Mar 12 2024
Absence of RTP Packets in Analyzed Capture
The analysis indicates a lack of RTP packets between specified IP addresses in the examined packet capture, suggesting potential later occurrence or different protocols in use.
Tue Mar 12 2024
Analysis of TCP Connection Termination
A sequential breakdown of a TCP connection termination between IP address and in a provided pcap file.
Tue Mar 12 2024
Analysis of TCP Communication Sequence in htp3.pcap
Discover the detailed interaction between hosts, TCP connections, data transfer, DNS queries, and the conclusion of the communication in htp3.pcap file.
Tue Mar 12 2024
Analysis Report on HTTP Traffic
This analysis provides insights into the HTTP traffic captured in http.pcap, highlighting the TCP handshake, content delivery, and potential issues
Tue Mar 12 2024
Packet Analysis: Identified Quantum Attack Pattern
Analysis of a PCAP file reveals a quantum attack pattern, involving unusual TTL values, web traffic redirection, and injected packets.
Mon Mar 11 2024
DNS Refusal Analysis
An analysis of captured packets indicates consistent DNS query refusals between hosts and servers, pointing to potential configuration or infrastructure issues.
Mon Mar 11 2024
Analysis of MS SQL Calls in capture2.pcap
The analysis suggests reasons for the absence of MS SQL packets and provides recommendations for further investigation.
Mon Mar 11 2024
Sat Mar 09 2024
Analysis of PCAP SYN Packets
An analysis of a pcap file showing repeated SYN packets and potential network issues during connection attempts to a destination IP on port 443.
Sat Mar 09 2024
Client-Server Video Streaming Traffic Analysis
The analysis describes the traffic patterns between a client and server, focusing on video streaming data transfer over TCP port 80, acknowledging the reliability and occasional latency issues.
Sat Mar 09 2024
Challenges in Identifying Flag in Packet Analysis
The analysis faces difficulties in identifying the 'HACKDAY' flag due to the absence of direct results. Further specific details or a different approach are required for success.
Fri Mar 08 2024
FTP Traffic Analysis for File Transfer of 'secret.txt'
The analysis uncovers an intriguing sequence of FTP commands for retrieving 'secret.txt' and decodes a potentially significant message.
Fri Mar 08 2024
Analysis of PCAP File for MS17-010 Vulnerability Exploitation
Detection of potential MS17-010 (EternalBlue) exploitation in a PCAP file through examination of SMB protocol traffic and behavior, revealing inconclusive evidence of an attack.
Thu Mar 07 2024
Analysis of SMB Transactions and Fast Retransmissions
Insights from packect capture data reveal issues in network communication with fast retransmissions and 'STATUS_PENDING' messages, indicating potential server processing delays or network congestion.
Wed Mar 06 2024
Absent Yahoo Traffic Analysis
No Yahoo traffic packets found in the provided pcap file, limiting analysis possibilities.
Wed Mar 06 2024
Network Protocol Insights: TLS and QUIC in Action
An analysis of packet data from a pcapng file revealing modern network protocol usage, encryption, and secure communication patterns.
Wed Mar 06 2024
Analysis of SMB Protocol Communication
This analysis provides a thorough breakdown of an SMB protocol transaction, highlighting the successful negotiation, session setup, and resource access without any malicious activity observed.
Wed Mar 06 2024
PCAP Analysis: Uncovering Signs of Malware Infection in a Corporate Network
The analysis focuses on identifying key findings, including SMB connection attempts, NTLM authentication, repeated access attempts, network movement, command executions, file actions, and defensive measures, all pointing towards a concerted effort to misuse the SMB protocol for malicious activities.
Wed Mar 06 2024
WebLogin.pcapng Analysis
Analysis of secure web browsing and data transmission activities with DNS queries, TLS encrypted traffic, and hints of web login processes within the WebLogin.pcapng capture.
Wed Mar 06 2024
Analysis of Unsuccessful VoLTE Call Attempt from PCAP file
The analysis focuses on unsuccessful VoLTE call attempt revealed in packet captures, detailing the SIP INVITE request and potential reasons for the unsuccessful connection.
Wed Mar 06 2024